Sunday, August 27, 2006

Down with .NET documentation

I have to give it to the Richmond people..they write first class software (no this is not open for debate..I am not going to get into an argument over how Open source is for reall geeks and .NET is for wimps)but I really think they should fire the people who do the documentation :)

I mean come on when was the last time MSDN website *inspired* me to write some code huh??? Lemme think...NEVER (and trust me I am a huuuuuuuugee fan of Microsoft despite the fact that I am not on their payroll *wink*)

I am a not a big Java lover(only when it comes to coffee..nothing to do with the language though) but every time I pick up a Java book I get this strong itch to write some code...they MAKE u want to write beautiful and elegant code...I dont know what the Sun people feed them or maybe their is some magic potion but the authours can write the way programming books are meant to be written. Not 100's of pages of boring stuff that could act as a cure to insomnia but funny stuff..things that make u laugh and think at the same time..full of cute pictures ..lolz (yes the girly side kicking in). I bet Microsoft could afford to *hire* these people and do the same for them but why should they bother...80% of the world PC'S run Windows so they assume those who want to code will learn either ways ..why BOTHER!!!

Anyways I think I am going to make an attempt at writing myself (uh ohhhhhh)...i will publish things I am going to be learning for my MCSD and make it interesting so others who are new to .NET can UNDERSTAND rather than get cofused by topics like Refleciton, Attributes, Remoting , Generics, etc :)

Good luck to moi...happy programming!


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